Page 113 - Computer - 8
P. 113

2. Press the F5 key to execute the code. Sample output of the program is given below.

            Lab Activity 10

           To delete an element from a list.                                                       Experiential Learning
           1. Type the code as shown in the image in the Python Editor.

           2. Press the F5 key to execute the code. Sample output of the program is given below.

                   Try This
                                                                                                       Critical Thinking
             Write the names of the Python functions that let you perform the tasks mentioned below:
             (a) Add the elements of a list to another list.                             ____________________
             (b) Calculate the number of characters in a string.                         ____________________
             (c) Convert all characters of a string to lowercase.                        ____________________
             (d) Delete an element from a list using the index of the element.           ____________________

          Mind Fog       ERROR

             The index of an element in a list or a character in a string is 1 less than the position of the element or

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