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P. 82
2. Open the HTML document in Microsoft Edge.
Database Subject Enrichment
Most people thought that HTML5 was invented because Apple stopped supporting Flash. But while HTML5
has some amazing solutions for mobile, it was not created to meet the demands of the iPhone. In fact,
Opera and Mozilla got together back in 2004 to try to solve the problem of a messy web, defining seven
principles for good design. Their goal was simple – propose these principles to W3C as a roadmap for a
sleeker, faster, and better HTML standard. The principles covered aspects such as backward compatibility,
error handling, practicality, open development, and avoiding device-specific profiling. It wasn’t until 2006
that the proposal was accepted, and in three short years a new specification was drafted, closed, and made
ready for use.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a computer language used for creating web pages in
form of HTML documents that describe the content, format, and layout in which a web page
should be displayed over the World Wide Web (WWW).
Hypertext is the method, in form of links called hyperlinks, to move from one web page to
WYSIWYG editors provide a graphical interface and allow to create web pages without any
knowledge of HTML.
Text Editors allow to create web pages by writing HTML statements to describe how the content
of the web page is to be displayed.
HTML elements define the structure and behaviour of different parts of an HTML document.
An Attribute is a special keyword used to enhance the behaviour of an HTML element.
A Container tag must begin with a START tag and an END tag.
An Empty tag requires a START tag but no END tag.
Some basic tags in HTML5 are – Line break <br>, Paragraph <p> ... </p>, Heading <hn> ... </hn>,
Horizontal rule <hr>, Bold <b> ... </b>, Italics <i> ... </i>, and Comments <!-- ... --> tags.