Page 67 - Computer - 4
P. 67
D. Answer the following questions.
1. What is meant by formatting text?
2. Describe the various options in Word to change the case of text.
3. Write the steps to create a new numbered list in a document.
4. What is the use of Format Painter in Word 2019?
5. What is meant by alignment of text? Describe the various alignment options in
Word 2019.
Mind Stretching
1. Write the shortcut keys for the tools in Word 2019 given below. Critical Thinking
(i) ____________ (ii) ____________
(iii) ____________ (iv) ____________
(v) ____________ (vi) ____________
2. Divya loves to cook new dishes. She wants to maintain a record of her recipes,
step by step, in a Word document. Which tool in Word would help her do so?
Logical Thinking
3. Yash wants to make a birthday greeting card for his mother. He has written the
text for the card in Word. Suggest some formatting features that may help him
to make the card attractive. Logical Thinking
Lab Work
A. You want to invite your friends for your Birthday party. Type an invitation in Word 2019
, inviting your friends and intimating them about the date, time and venue of the party.
Use various formatting features to make it attractive. Creative Skills