Page 31 - Code & Click - 2
P. 31

B.  Fill in the blanks using the Data Box.

                                            Data Box       104 Shift Spacebar

                     1.  The __________ is the longest key on the keyboard.

                     2.  There are __________ keys on the keyboard.

                     3.  The __________ key helps to type the character on the upper part of

                         some keys.

              C.   Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statement.

                     1.  Enter key is used to enter space between two letters.                             _______

                     2.  Shift and Caps Lock key can be used to type capital letters.                      _______

                     3.  Home key is used to move the cursor to the end of a line.                         _______

              D.  Answer the following questions.

                     1.  Which keys are used to erase characters?

                     2.  Which  key should  be turned on  to type  numbers using  the Number

                     3.  Which keys are used to change the position of the cursor?

                                                                                                         Creative Skills
                Mind Stretching

               1. Colour the keyboard using the following colour code:

                     Shift keys - Green           Number keys - Yellow               Alphabet keys - Red

                    Enter Key - Pink             Spacebar - Brown                  Delete key - Orange

                         Esc    F1  F2  F3  F4   F5  F6  F7  F8  F9  F10    F12  Screen  Scroll  Pause
                        ~   !  @   #   $  %   ^   &  *   (   )  –   +    Backspace           Num  /      –
                        `   1  2   3   4  5   6   7  8   9   0  -   =            Insert  Home  Lock   *
                                                                  {   }
                               Q  W   E   R  T   Y   U   I  O   P                Delete  End  Page  7  8  9
                                                                   [  ]                 Down  Home
                                                                :   "
                         Caps Lock  A  S  D  F  G  H  J   K  L  ;         Enter               4   5   6
                                                            <   >  ?
                             Shift  Z  X  C  V   B   N  M   ,   .   /    Shift                1   2   3

                          Ctrl       Alt                         Ctrl      Alt                  0    Del
   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36