Page 7 - English Grammar - 8
P. 7

1 111                                                     Determiners

        Practise What You Know!actise What You Know!

           Fill in the blanks with determiners. Put an 7 where no determiner is required.
             1.  I am looking forward to being with _________________ grandmother.
             2.  I used my screwdriver as _________________ hammer.
             3.  Have you fed _________________ birds?

             4.  There are _________________ birds in the verandah.
             5.  Who invented _________________ telephone?
             6.  He is _________________ most intelligent person in his family.
             7.  I prefer _________________ mountains to the seaside.

             8.  We worked in _________________ same company.
             9.  My sister is _________________ MPhil.
            10.  Have you got _________________ new books?

          Let’s Learn Determiners

        A determiner modifies a noun by referring to something specific or emphasising  something
        of a particular type. This  function of a determiner is usually performed by  articles,
        interrogatives, distributives, demonstratives, possessives, and quantifiers. A determiner is
        followed by a noun.

        For example: this table, that bird, some coins, etc.

          Let’s Learn Kinds of Determiners

        There are six different kinds of determiners.
               Articles                          Possessives                        Quantifiers
            O                                  O                                 O
               Demonstratives                    Distributives                      Interrogatives
            O                                  O                                 O

        Articles are of two types: definite and indefinite.
        The definite article the is used when talking about a specific thing which both the speaker
        and the listener know about. For example:
               The news I gave you was true.
               The meeting is sure to be held this evening.
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