Page 161 - English Grammar - 7
P. 161
A proverb is a short well-known statement that gives advice or expresses something that is
generally true.
‘A penny saved is a penny earned’ is an example of a proverb.
Here is a list of proverbs along with their meanings:
Proverb Meaning
1. A leopard can’t change its People can’t change their personality, especially their
spots. more negative characteristics.
2. Beggars can’t be choosers. If you are in a position where you are asking for help,
you are not in a position to be picky, in fact, you should
take what you are offered.
3. Better late than never. It is always better to arrive or do something late than not
at all.
4. Cross that bridge when Don’t waste time worrying about an issue until it arises
you come to it. or happens. It also implies that a problem can be dealt
with better when you know what it is, rather than trying
to guess ahead of time.
5. Absence makes the heart Being away from someone or something for a period of
grow fonder. time makes you appreciate that person or thing more
when you see them or it again
6. All that glitters is not gold. Everything that appears attractive is not always good.
7. A stitch in time saves nine. Solving a problem immediately can help you spare time
from putting in more effort or doing extra work later.
8. Actions speak louder than people’s intentions can be judged better by what they do
words. than what they say
9. An apple a day keeps the a small preventive treatment
doctor away.
10. A bad excuse is better than always give an excuse when necessary, even if it’s a poor
none. one
11. A bad workman blames his when someone blames their tools for doing a bad job Glossary
tools. rather than accepting the blame themself.
12. A barking dog seldom someone who constantly makes threats rarely carries
bites. them out
13. A bird in hand is worth it is better to be satisfied with what you have rather than
two in a bush. to look for something else and lose even what you have