Page 10 - English Grammar - 3
P. 10

Some More Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

                Read the following nouns:

                   Common Nouns                                         Proper Nouns

                   boy                         Abid               Tushar            Kush              John

                   girl                        Nazia              Anita             Neha              Priya

                   country                     India              China             Australia         Singapore

                   city                        Delhi              Mumbai            Kolkata           Chennai

                   dog                         Bruno              Buddy             Sherry            Pluto

                   book                        Gita               Ramayana  Quran                     Bible

                   river                       Ganges             Yamuna            Godavari          Nile

                   language                    Hindi              English           Sanskrit          Urdu

                   day                         Sunday             Tuesday           Friday            Saturday

                   month                       January            March             July              December

                                                           Practice Time 3

                Write a proper noun for each of the common nouns. One has been done for you.

                             Common Noun                                                 Proper Noun
                        1.  country                                         ___________________________

                        2.  river                                           ___________________________

                        3.  language                                        ___________________________
                        4.  city                                            ___________________________

                        5.  book                                            ___________________________

                        6.  day                                             ___________________________

              Nouns  Activity Time                                                                 Logical Thinking

                  Replace the first letter of the given words to make new words. One has been

                  done for you.
                  1. Rice  ___________              3. Fast  ____________             5. Life  ____________
                  2. Pear  ___________              4. Deep ____________              6. Feet  ____________

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