Page 9 - English Grammar - 2
P. 9

5.                       6.                       7.                      8.

                                                Alphabetical Order

          1. ________________                 2. ________________                3. ________________

          4. ________________                 5. ________________                6. ________________

          7. ________________                 8. ________________

         Activity Time                                                                    Critical Thinking

          Work in pairs. One student will write the names of two fruits that begin with

          vowels, and the other will write the names of two vegetables that begin

          with vowels.

            Names of fruits that                                                 Names of vegetables
              begin with vowels:                                               that begin with vowels:

             1. _____________                                                    1. _____________
            2. _____________                                                     2. _____________

         Listening & Speaking Time

          The teacher will make the students practise similar sounding words. He/She                              The Alphabet

          will divide the class in groups of five. Each group will be given a word, and
          all members of the group have to participate by speaking similar sounding


          For example:          Teacher       →  pin
                                Students  →  bin, tin, kin, chin, fin

   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14