Page 43 - English Grammar - 2
P. 43

         Activity Time

          Write the -er form of the given words and complete the crossword puzzle.

          ACROSS                                                     1
               3.  small                                                     2
               5.  few                                   3

               6.  narrow                                                                    4
               7.  nice                                                              5

               9.  great
            10.  poor                                                6

          DOWN                          7
               1.  tall                                              9           8
               2.  cheap

               3.  soft
               4.  sweet                                         10

               8.  large

         Listening & Speaking Time

          The teacher will call the students in pairs to the front of the class and ask them
          to describe each other in terms of appearance, personality, clothes, likes and

          dislikes. The student can use sentences like, “Ayesha is tall. She wears yellow
          ribbon every day. Her face is round. She likes to read books. She has good

          manners. She always looks happy.”

                                                                                           Art Integration
         Learn With Fun

          Colour the bigger fruit.                                                                                Adjectives

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