Page 32 - What Where Why - 6
P. 32

                                                                                                    Science &
            24                                                                                     Technology
                             Helpful Robots

        A robot is a machine designed to execute one or more tasks automatically with speed and precision.

        Read the descriptions and write the names of the useful robots using the Help Box.

           1                                                         2

        It looks like a pet dinosaur                              This robot is made to
        and can be used for                                       investigate the climate
        both entertainment and                                    and geology of Mars.
        educational purposes.                                     ________________

           3                                                         4

        This robot is helpful in                                  It is a quadrupedal
        gathering information and                                 military robot which
        details during a war.                                     was recorded as the
        ________________                                          fastest legged robot in

           5                                                         6

        It is one of the world’s                                    This robot works in fleets
        largest and strongest                                       ranging  from a few to
        robots that is used to                                      thousands, all under the
        manufacture the heavy                                       supervision  of  a  single
        parts of ships and                                          controller.
        aircrafts.                                                  ________________

                                                           Fact File
            Help Box

             Swarm, Avatar III, Pleo, BigDog,             The first robot is rumoured to have been built by
             Curiosity Rover, Kuka 1000 Titan             the Greek mathematician, Archytas in 400 BC.

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