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P. 54

Mixed Bag
                              First Aid

        Accidents  can  happen  anytime  and  anywhere.  Therefore,  you  should  know  how  to
        keep yourself safe. A well-stocked first-aid kit should be kept within easy reach. Things
        available in the first-aid kit will help you handle an emergency.

        Let us learn how to protect ourself and others.

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          If there is a cut: If it is a       If an animal bites or                If there is a burn:
          minor  cut,  clean  the  area       scratches:       Clean      the      Remove clothing from the
          with water and gentle               wound with water  and                burnt area immediately.

          soap. Dry the area and              gentle  soap,  and  hold             Hold  the  burnt  skin
          using  a  cotton,  apply  an        it under running water               under the cool (not cold)
                                              for several minutes. Dry
          antibiotic ointment. Cover          the wound and cover it               water.  When  dry,  apply
          the    wound        with     an     with sterile gauze or a              an antibiotic ointment
          adhesive bandage.                   clean cloth. Inform your             and wrap the dry gauze
                                              parents about the incident           bandage on the burnt
                                              at the earliest.                     area.

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          If the nose bleeds: Sit             If an insect  bites: Clean           If there is a bruise: Apply
          down and lean forward               the bite with an antiseptic          an ice pack or instant cold
          and,  pinch  the  bottom            solution       and       water,      pack to the injured area. If
          part of the nose for 10–15          and  apply an antibiotic             you use ice, always wrap
          minutes. Breathe through            ointment.                            it in a washcloth or sock.
          the mouth.

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