Page 26 - What Where Why - 5
P. 26

                              Not Allowed!

        Recognise  these countries by the given descriptions of  their ban and write their
        names. You may use the Help Box.

          1                                     2                                      3

        In  this  country,  one  of            This country has banned                In  this  country,  online
        its cities has banned                  television     advertising             video games are banned
        big advertising boards                 during the holidays on                 between midnight and
        because they distract                  Christmas,  Easter,  and               6:00  a.m.  for  children
        the public and cause                   Good Friday.                           under the age of 16 to
        accidents.                                                                    prevent gaming addiction.

          4                                     5                                      6

        This      country       has            This is the first country              In  this  country,  blue
        imposed  a ban on the                  to ban ketchup in school               denim jeans are banned.
        import and sale of                     canteens to preserve its
        chewing gum.                           own cuisine.

                                Help Box

                                 France, New Zealand, Malaysia, Brazil, North Korea, Singapore

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