Page 50 - What Where Why - 3
P. 50

Mixed Bag
                               Learn to be Affirmative

        Many people struggle with saying, 'No'. If someone asks you for a favour or a

        commitment, you may feel obligated to say 'Yes’. But sometimes, it is necessary
        to be firm and say 'No'.

        What would you do or say in these situations? Tick (3) your options or write
        your own answers.

          1.  Your friend asks you to lend them some  money. They have a habit of not
              returning the money.

               a.  Give them the money.

               b. Say ‘no’ and tell your friend the reason.

               c.  __________________________________________________

          2.  Your friends ask you to watch a movie with them. You would rather spend

              some time with your family.

               a.  You say ‘yes’ to them so that they don’t think you are antisocial.

               b. You say ‘no’ to them and risk their displeasure.

               c.  __________________________________________________

          3.  You are working on an urgent project. Your friend asks if

              they can copy your project.
               a. “Sure, I will help you.”

               b. “I will not be able to help you. Please do your project


               c.  _________________________________________________

          4.  You are writing an English test. Your best friend pokes you

              in the back. They want to see your answer to a question.

               a. Tell them the answer.

               b. Complain to the teacher.

               c.  __________________________________________________

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