Page 14 - What Where Why - 1
P. 14

                          Babies of Animals

        Like humans, animals also have babies. But did you know that each baby

        animal is known by a different name?

        Can you identify the names of these baby animals? You can use the Help

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                               Baby of a dog                                              Baby of a sheep

                               drinks  milk and                                           grazes grass.
                               eats bread.                                                _______________


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          The  name  of  cat’s                                                         Baby of a kangaroo
          baby  rhymes with                                                            stays safe and warm
          the word mitten.                                                             in pouch.

          _______________                                                              _______________

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                               Baby  of a cow                                            Baby lion’s  name
                               moos.                                                     rhymes with the

                               _______________                                           word tub.


                                                                Fact File
                Help Box

                                                               The baby of an elephant
                kitten,  puppy,  lamb,  cub,                   is also called a calf. They
                calf, joey
                                                               are highly intelligent.

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