Page 99 - Grammar Glow - 7
P. 99


           The third person of the reported speech doesn’t change.

          Change in Expressions of Time and Place

          The words which indicate time, place and position of something change in a reported speech.

               l   Sahil said, “I was in Delhi last week.” (direct speech)

               l   Sahil said that he had been in Delhi the previous week. (reported speech)
                     Direct                  Indirect                      Direct                 Indirect

              now                      then                         thus                     so

              this                     that                         today                    that day
              these                    those                        tomorrow                 the next day

              here                     there                        yesterday                the previous day
              ago                      before                       last night               the previous night

          If the reporting verb is in present or future tense, then we do not change the tenses. Other changes
          are made as discussed before.

              1.  Anil says, “I work in this office.” (direct speech)
                  Anil says that he works in this office. (indirect speech)
              2.  My sister will say, “I am very busy.” (direct speech)
                  My sister will say that she is very busy. (indirect speech)

                                                       Test Yourself

             I.  Rewrite the given sentences into indirect speech.

                 1.  He said, “I will see what to do.”
                 2.  She said, “I may watch a film this evening.”
                 3.  They said, “We must reach home by sunset.”
                 4.  Micky promised, “I shall call tomorrow.”
                 5.  He said, “I can lift that box.”
                 6.  Tom said, “I like to catch fish.”


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