Page 82 - Physics - XII
P. 82

Graph and Calculations                                         Y

              Plot a graph between angle of incidence i and angle of       48           Scale used on:
              deviation D, taking i along X-axis and D along Y-axis.       46           X- axis, 1 cm = ... degrees
              The graph comes to be a curve as shown in Fig. 5.3.          44           Y- axis, 1 cm = ... degrees
              Draw a tangent on the lowest point of the graph              42
              parallel to X-axis. Note the angle of minimum                40
              deviation D  on Y-axis.                                    Angle of deviation (in degree) D  38
              The value of angle of minimum deviation from the             36
              graph = D  = _____                                           34
              Result                                                       32
              1.  The graph between i and D indicates that as angle          20      30      40     50      60      70 X
                  of incidence i increases, angle of deviation D fi rst            Angle of incidence (in degree) i
                  decreases, attains a minimum value D , and then
                  again starts increasing for further increase in angle     Fig. 5.3:  Graph between angle of incidence
                                                                                     and angle of deviation

                  of incidence.
              2.  The angle of minimum deviation, D  = _____

              1.  The pin should be fi xed vertical.
              2.  Encircle the pin pricks after they are removed.
              3.  Pins must be at a distance of about 8 to 10 cm.
              4.  The angle of incidence should lie between 30° to 60°.

              5.  The same angle of prism should be used for all the observations.
              6.  Draw the arrow to indicate the incidence, the refracted, and the emergent rays.
              7.  The curve should be free hand and smooth which should pass through as many points as possible.

              Sources of Error

              1.  Measurement of the angle may be wrong.
              2.  Pin pricks may be thick.
              3.  The incident ray pins and emergent ray pins may not be along the same straight line.

                                                       EXPERIMENT - 6

              To determine refractive index of a glass slab using a travelling microscope.

              Apparatus and Materials Required
              A glass slab, a marker, a travelling microscope, and lycopodium powder/chalk dust

              Description of Apparatus
              Travelling Microscope

              A travelling microscope is an ordinary microscope (or a compound microscope) fi tted on a stand in such a
              way that it can be made to travel in vertical as well as horizontal direction without disturbing its adjusted

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