Page 5 - Physics - XII
P. 5
Laboratory activities are essential at all levels of science education, and in particular, they are highly signifi cant
in secondary and senior secondary schools to help students understand the practical knowledge of Chemistry,
Biology, and Physics. Laboratory experiments help students with their comprehension of scientifi c concepts
and the acquisition of basic experimental skills.
Keeping up the pace with the demands and needs of the learners, Lab Manual Physics, a series for Classes XI
and XII, has been published. This series has been written strictly according to the new curriculum prescribed
by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and the National Council of Educational Research
and Training (NCERT). It also adheres to the guidelines of NCF-SE 2023. This series is also useful for
other state boards.
This lab manual is your perfect companion for performing your Physics lab sessions and beyond, off ering
a blend of theoretical understanding and practical application to foster a deep love and comprehension of
Physics. This lab manual will engage the learners in physics concepts and deeper understanding and provide
the scope to enhance 21 Century skills like creativity, critical thinking, etc. by exploring, relating, and
making connections. The self-explanatory style of experiments will limit the teacher's role as a facilitator, but
the habit of self-discovery will accentuate the learners.
Salient Features of the Series are as follows:
Experiments, activities, and projects are provided as per the guidelines prescribed by the CBSE.
All the experiments have been written in a simple, lucid, and interactive manner.
Accurate fi gures, illustrations, and diagrams have been provided whenever necessary.
Diff erent varieties of questions with their answers for complete coverage of topics are as follows.
Viva Voce questions
Competency-based questions
Multiple choice questions (MCQs)
Case study-based questions
Assertion-Reason type questions
Blank sheets have been provided to record the work during experiments.
Suggestions and feedback for improvement of this series from the principals, teachers, lab instructors,
students, and parents would be most welcome.