Page 106 - Maths Skill - 3
P. 106
8 8 Geometr
Learning Outcomes
� Point � Measuring a Line Segment � Corners and their Types
� Line � Drawing a Line Segment � Solid Shapes
� Line Segment � Open and Closed Figures � Types of Solid Shapes
� Ray � Plane Shapes and their Properties � Tangrams
The students gathered in an
environmental programme last THE ENVIRONMENT DAY
month. The head boy and the head
girl were two students who were
busy in writing slogans on the board Trees are
for the awareness of the students. Stop cutting Live our friends
Identify the shapes in which slogans trees together
are being written by the students.
� There is a ____________ .
It has 4 corners and 4 sides.
The opposite sides are equal.
� There is a ______________ .
It has ___________ corners
and ______________ sides.
__________ sides are equal.
� There is a ____________ . It has ____________ corners and ____________ sides.
� How many slanting lines are there in all three shapes?
� How many horizontal lines are there in all three shapes?
� How many vertical lines are there in all three shapes?