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P. 65
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Fun with Numbers
Fun with Numbers
1. Find the given numbers.
a. The greatest possible number formed using each of the digits 0–7 once.
b. One less than 4 million. ___________________
c. How many lakhs make a million? ___________________
d. How many thousand makes a crore? ___________________
e. The smallest possible 6-digit number formed by using odd digits and 0
only once. ___________________
f. One more than 48 crores. ___________________
2. Find the numbers.
a. The successor of 22,368,089 _______________________
b. 10 thousand more than 35 thousand _______________________
c. 33,67,821 rounded to the nearest 1000 _______________________
d. Next 2 number in the pattern
27,000,000; 30,003,000; 33,006,000 ____________, __________
e. 1 lakh less than 2,43,18,000 _______________________
f. The predecessor of the smallest 8-digit number _______________________
g. Prime numbers between 11 to 30 _______________________
3. Write the first 6 multiples of each of the following numbers.
Number 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th