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Preventing Swine  Swine FluFlu

                                          Let’s raise awareness about Swine flu.

                                          Swine  flu,  also  known  as  the  H1N1  virus,  is  a  respiratory

                                          disease that results from the type A influenza virus. This
                                          flu can affect both pigs and humans, and originated in pigs

                                          in central Mexico.


               Swine flu is caused by a strain of the influenza virus that infects humans and
               can be transmitted by lice or ticks. Transmission usually occurs from person

               to person, not animal to person. Swine flu is extremely contagious. This disease
               is spread through saliva and mucus particles. People may spread it by sneezing,

               coughing,  touching a germ-covered surface,  and then touching their eyes  or


             Signs and Symptoms

               The symptoms of swine flu are:

                High Fever                  Headache                   Muscle pain                Sore throat

                              Chills            Malaise and fatigue              Vomiting, nausea,
                                                                                   and diarrhoea

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