Page 66 - IQ - 4
P. 66
16 16 Logical ThinkingThinking
1. Solve this.
(a) If a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, if cover = 63, then basis = __________.
(i) 54 (ii) 55 (iii) 50
(b) If a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4, if bat = 23, then cap = __________.
(i) 20 (ii) 21 (iii) 28
2. Choose the odd one.
(a) (i) Teacher (ii) Tutor (iii) Student
(b) (i) Serpent (ii) Snake (iii) Whale
3. Arrange in order according to the given clue.
(a) In a row of girls, Kanchan is 7th from one extreme and 11th from the other.
The total number of girls is __________.
(i) 21 (ii) 17 (iii) 20
(b) Five books are kept one over the other. E is above A, C is below B. If A is
above B and D is below C, then which is at the top?
(i) D (ii) E (iii) A
4. Test of proportion (analogy).
(a) If soldier : gun, then blacksmith : __________
(i) hammer (ii) sword (iii) wood
(b) If air : atmosphere, then water : __________
(i) ocean (ii) Earth (iii) drop
(c) If bread : bakery, then brick : __________
(i) mint (ii) kiln (iii) mine