Page 58 - IQ - 3
P. 58

8 8        Mirr

                          Mirror Imagesor Images

              Which of the answer figures is exactly the mirror image of the given question
              figure when the mirror is held at XY?

                1.  Question figure:                                  4.  Question figure:

                                X                                                     X

                               Y                                                     Y
                  Answer figures:                                       Answer Figures:

                       a.          b.          c.         d.                 a.          b.         c.          d.

                2.  Question figure:                                  5.  Question figure:

                               X                                                     X

                               Y                                                     Y
                  Answer figures:                                       Answer figures:

                       a.          b.          c.         d.                 a.          b.          c.         d.

                3.  Question figure:                                  6.  Question figure:
                                X                                                     X

                               Y                                                     Y
                  Answer figures:                                       Answer figures:

                       a.          b.          c.         d.                 a.          b.          c.         d.

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