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P. 44

34 34                Sports Termserms

                                        Unit VIII : SportsVIII : Sports
                                    Sports T

              Different sports have different terms for their actions and scores.

              Write  the  correct  letter  associated  with  sports  terms  for  each  of  the  sport
              shown below using the Clue Box.

                1         Football                                                     3        Cricket

                                                   2       Basketball

                4        Volleyball                                                    6        Hockey

                                                   5          Chess

              Clue Box
              Clue Box
                    (a) Ace, Underhand serve, Set, Point of Service (b) Wicket, Spinner, Yorker, Bowling
                    (c) Jump-shot, Double-dribble, Free throw, Dunk (d) Kick, Dribble, Offside, Throw-in
                    (e)  Penalty corner, Sweeper, 16 yard hit, Drag flick (f) Move, Checkmate, Check,

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