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8 8        Homes

                          Homes of Animalsof Animals

              Just like you, animals need a house to live in. Animals of different kinds

              live in their unique homes.

              Can you identify  the  houses  these  animals  live  in?  You can  use  the
              Clue Box.

                 1                                                 2

                 Ducks need to swim. They                                  Dogs need a roof and walls.
                 live near a _________.                                    They live in a _________.

                 3                                                  4

                 Horses live in a building on a                            Birds make their own homes
                 farm. Their building is called                            on trees. They are called a

                 a  _________.                                             _________.

                 5                                                  6

                                                                           Rabbits dig their own houses
                                                                           under the ground. They live

                 Chickens need a house on the                              in a _________.
                 farm to protect themselves

                 and their babies. Their house                   Clue Box
                                                                 Clue Box
                 is called a  _________.                               coop, pond, nest, burrow, kennel, stable

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