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                                                         Animal Kingdom
                                                         Animal Kingdom

          The animal kingdom is vast, and comprises of organisms ranging from the most simple to the
          most sophisticated animal form.

          Find the answers. You may use the Clue Box.

            1.  This invertebrate, living in the sea, has 3 hearts.                      _____________________

            2.  This is the fastest bird in the world.                                   _____________________

            3.  This is a gigantic lizard mostly found in Indonesia.                     _____________________

            4.  This animal does not drink water.                                        _____________________

            5.  This animal is born blind.                                               _____________________

            6.  This bird is the universal symbol of peace.                              _____________________

            7.  This animal can sleep for 3 years.                                       _____________________

            8.  This is a mammal, but it can fly.                                        _____________________

            9.  This mammal has the longest life span.                                   _____________________

            10.  This bird’s eyes are bigger than its brain.                             _____________________

            11.  This animal does not have vocal cords.                                  _____________________

            12.  This is the only animal which cannot jump.                              _____________________

                    Clue Box
                    Clue Box
                         Dove, Rabbit, Kangaroo Rat, Komodo Dragon, Elephant, Peregrine Falcon,
                         Octopus, Snail, Ostrich, Bat/Flying Squirrel, Giraffe, Bowhead Whale

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