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P. 51
Lab Activity 2 Experiential Learning
Program to accept two numeric variables from the user and display their sum and product.
1. Type the code as shown in the image in the Python Editor.
2. Press the F5 key to execute the code. Sample output of the program is given.
A variable in Python needs to be declared and initialised before it can be used. Declaring a variable
refers to the process of naming the variable and assigning a data type to it. Initialising a variable refers
to the process of assigning a value to the variable. In Python, variables are dynamically identified by the
value they store. Thus, declaring a variable and initializing is done in the same step.
For example, the statement Age = 15 declares a variable named ‘Age’ and initialises it with the value
15. As 15 is an integer value, the data type of the variable Age is integer.
Operators are special symbols that are used to perform a mathematical operation or logical computation.
For example, the difference operator ‘ – ’, denotes the process of subtraction of two numbers. The
values on which the operator performs the task are called Operands. Different operators work with one
or more operands. For example, the product operator ‘ * ’, requires at least two operands to carry out
the process of multiplication.
Types of Operators
The different operators available in Python can be categorised as Arithmetic, Assignment, Relational,
Logical, and String operators.
Arithmetic Operators
The Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations on numeric values. The
Arithmetic operators available in Python are described in the table given below.
Operator Name Description Output
(X = 20, Y = 3)
+ Addition Adds two numeric values. X + Y 23
Subtracts the second number from the
– Subtraction X – Y 17