Page 33 - Code & Click - 1
P. 33

Parts of a Mouse
              A computer mouse has two buttons and a                         button
              wheel on it. These are:

                1.  Left button                                              Scroll

                2.  Right button                                             wheel

                3.  Scroll wheel                                                                     Left

                                    Mouse Pointer

                                    When we move the mouse on a surface, an arrow-like shape

                                    also  moves  on  the  monitor.  It  is  called  a  mouse  pointer.

              Mouse Pointer         As we move the mouse, the pointer moves on the screen in
                                    the same direction.

              Mouse Pad

              Mouse is kept on a mouse pad. It provides a soft and

              flat surface to move the mouse easily.

              HOLDING A MOUSE                                                                   Mouse Pad

              A mouse should be held properly. The following picture shows the parts of


                                       LEFT HAND                               RIGHT HAND

                                      middle finger                            middle finger
                         index finger                                                          index finger

                               thumb                                                           thumb

                                           palm                                   palm

              For a left-handed user:                               For a right-handed user:
                1. Rest the palm of the left hand on  1. Rest the palm of the right hand

                      the mouse.                                           on the mouse.

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