Page 261 - Ai Book - 10
P. 261

In the figure, you can see the four images in which the visual appearance of each image is different. This is
        tpossible only due to the changing in pixel values. The process of convolution and the convolution operator (*)
        are commonly used to create these types of effects or changing the pixel values evenly throughout the image.
        Let us understand the theory of convolution through the following definitions.
        In general, the Convolution  technique  is used for general signal  processing.  Convolution,  a technical term
        refers to  a process of  multiplying  together two  arrays  of  numbers, generally  of  different sizes,  but  of  the
        same dimensionality, to produce a third array of numbers of the same dimensionality. In image processing, a
        convolution requires three components:An input image, a kernel matrix that we are going to apply to the input
        image, an output image to store the output of the input image convolved with the kernel.

        A  small matrix used to apply  effects  such  as the ones you  might find  in  Photoshop  or Gimp, i.e.  blurring,
        sharpening, outlining or embossing is called image kernel. A kernel matrix can also be used in machine learning
        for ‘feature extraction’, a technique for determining the most important portions of an image.
        As you have read earlier, a kernel matrix is commonly used in the process of convolution to extract certain
        features from an input image. We will get the enhanced output image through the kernel matrix which is slid
        across the image and multiplied with the input image. You should remember that if you want to apply different
        kind of effects on an image, then each kernel has a different value.
        2-D Convolution

        In 2-D convolution, we convolve two different matrices. 2-D convolution is widely used in image processing for
        filtering, edge detection, and smoothing applications. One matrix is the image matrix. The other is called the
        Kernel (which performs a specific function). The convolution will produce the desired output, 2-D convolution
        is also performed in the same manner as 1-D convolution. We keep the input image matrix as it is, invert the
        Kernel matrix and then slide the Kernel matrix over the input image matrix. We’ll match the centre of the Kernel
        matrix with each value of the input matrix, one by one, and calculate the output for the corresponding location
        by calculating the sum of products of intersections.
        Flipping the Kernel Matrix

        In 1-D convolution, we had flipped the sequence once. In 2-D convolution, we’ll reverse it two times. Once in the
        vertical flip, we exchange the top row with bottom, second from top, second from buttom and so on. In the next
        step, we flip horizontally. The rightmost column is flipped with the leftmost and so on for the remaining. For easy
        operations, the Kernel matrix is always kept as a square matrix with rows = columns = odd numbers. The number
        is 3 or 5 in most of the cases.

                        1      2      3               3       2      1               9       8      7

                        4      5      6               6       5      4               6       5      4

                        7      8      9               9       8      7               3       2      1

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