Page 112 - Ai Book - 10
P. 112

Let’s read about some problems related to sustainable development.

            Population and Human Resources
            Since the world population has experienced a very rapid growth and is likely to reach 8 billion  by 2025, the
            degree of consumption of resources per capita has also increased.

            Food Security

            There is widespread hunger today despite the dramatic increase in the world production of cereal, meat and
            milk which have more than tripled since 1950. The increase in food production has been considerably affected
            due to new methods of farming, including the use of new seed varieties, chemical fertilisers and pesticides, and
            increased irrigation but the cost of these inputs is beyond the reach of most small farmers. These new methods
            of farming have had detrimental effects on the environment.

            Urban Challenge
            Today almost half of the world’s population lives in urban communities. Population pressure has resulted in
            inadequate urban infrastructure and services. The most serious problems are unemployment, poor housing
            conditions and environmentally and socially related health concerns.

             The global energy consumption has been increasing day by day. The most used energy sources for commercial
            energy production and consumption are the fossil fuels.  The renewable energy amounts to only 21% of the total
            energy consumed worldwide. Solar, wind, geothermal and alternative energy sources, such as ethanol, have
            found only limited, small-scale use.
            The dependence on fossil fuels  has resulted in  three major problems:
             u   emission of carbon dioxide  or Greenhouse Effect

             u   urban air pollution and acidification
             u   depletion of resources

            Industrialisation brings economic growth but also leads to a shift in population from rural to urban areas and
            escalating pollution of air, sea, land and rivers.
            The ability of developing countries to deal with such problems as the disposal of hazardous wastes and industrial
            pollution has not been as great as in the industrialised nations due to cost, trade and technological inequalities
            between countries.
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