Page 68 - What Where Why - 7
P. 68
Mixed Bag
Be Quick
Answer the following questions quickly. You have precisely 50 seconds to answer each of them.
Your time starts now!
1. Which tea cup is safer to use — a thin-walled one or a thick-walled one?
2. In the winter, will curd set faster in a glass bowl or in a steel bowl?
3. Which is easier to climb — a greasy straight pole or a greasy slant pole?
4. In the event of a big fire in the house, what should a person do? Open
doors and windows or run all the taps?
5. What has two hands, but no legs? ______________________
6. Two glasses of the same size and volume are filled to the brim with water.
One has a piece of wood floating in it. Which glass is heavier?
7. Two lions are drinking water from a stream. One is facing the north and
the other to the south. How is it possible?
8. Where does success come before work? ______________________
9. In this, money comes before work? ______________________
10. If HIDE is written as 26 in a code, how will you write REST? ______________________
11. This pet is always found on the floor. ______________________