Page 24 - Grammar Glow - 8
P. 24
Formation of the Comparatives and Superlatives
Forming the degrees of comparison of the given adjectives
Positive Comparative Superlative
bold bolder boldest
deep deeper deepest
high higher highest
strong stronger strongest
thick thicker thickest
weak weaker weakest
Rule 1. From the above, we learn that the comparative degree is generally formed by
adding –er to the positive and the superlative by adding –est to the positive form.
Forming the Degrees of Comparison of the given Adjectives
Positive Comparative Superlative
able abler ablest
brave braver bravest
fine finer finest
noble nobler noblest
true truer truest
wise wiser wisest
Rule 2. When the positive degree ends in –e, only –r and –st are added to form the
comparative and superlative degree.
Forming the degrees of comparison of the given adjectives
Positive Comparative Superlative
big bigger biggest
fit fitter fittest
hot hotter hottest
sad sadder saddest
thin thinner thinnest
wet wetter wettest
Rule 3. When the positive degree ends in one consonant and the consonant is preceded
by a short vowel, the final consonant is doubled, and –er and –est are added to form the
comparative and superlative degree.