Page 66 - Grammar Glow - 2
P. 66
start — end angel — devil
find — lose birth — death
fresh — stale cry — laugh
never — always dawn — dusk
pretty — ugly dirty — clean
sour — sweet full — empty
sunny — cloudy friend — enemy
People and their Work
1. A doctor is a person who treats sick people.
2. A painter is a person who paints pictures.
3. A teacher is a person who teaches.
4. A dentist is a person who treats our teeth.
5. A postman is a person who brings us letters.
6. A waiter is a person who serves food in a restaurant.
7. A pilot is a person who flies aeroplanes.
8. A student is a person who studies at school or college.
9. A singer is a person who sings songs.
10. A fireman is a person who puts out fires.
11. A nurse is a person who looks after sick people in a hospital.
12. A chef is a person who cooks in a hotel or restaurant.
13. An actor is a person who acts in films and dramas.
14. An astronaut is a person who travels in a spacecraft.
15. A policeman is a person who is a member of police force.
16. A farmer is a person who grows food.
17. A driver is a person who drives a vehicle.
18. A vet is a person who treats animals.
19. A mechanic is a person who repairs machines and engines of
20. An author is a person who writes books.