Page 154 - English Grammar - IX-X
P. 154
Solved Examples
I. Fill in the blanks with appropriate modals.
1. My son (a) should be home by now. His school (b) ought to inform me in case
of delay. I (c) must talk to the principal. She (d) should help me out with this.
2. We (a) must follow the school rules or else we (b) will have to face the
consequences. We (c) must return library books on time to avoid being fined. We
(d) should also help fellow students. We (e) need not go out of the way to help
others, but we (f) should try as much as we (g) can.
II. There is one word omitted in each line against which a blank is given. Write the missing
word along with the word that comes before it and the word that comes after it in the
space provided. Underline the word that forms your answer.
Before Missing word After
The judge punish him because (a) judge must punish
he was found guilty. If he wants
to challenge the decision, he appeal in (b) he should appeal
the High Court. One think of the (c) One must think
consequences of his or her actions.
As of now, his lawyer follow (d) lawyer ought to follow
the court’s instructions. You worry, (e) You need not worry
as he is in jail now.
III. The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each of the lines against
which blanks are given. Write the incorrect word and the correct word in the given
blanks. Underline the correct words that have been supplied.
Incorrect Correct
My exams are starting next week. I should (a) should must
start preparing or else I could (b) could might
fail. I still have some doubts that
I can discuss with my teacher. (c) can have to
She had told me that I cannot (d) cannot must not
hesitate to ask questions.