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P. 141
Unethical Practices
Some major unethical practices which threaten ethics are discussed below.
The word plagiarism is derived from the Latin
word ‘Plagiare’, which means to kidnap or
abduct. But in the field of computing, it means
stealing the ideas, thoughts, or writings of
other people and using them under their own
name without the knowledge of the original
author. This is one of the more serious offences
punishable under the cyber law.
To Prevent Plagiarism
Plagiarism can be avoided by keeping certain points in mind while using information
from any other source, like:
• Acknowledge the Sources: If you want to use information from a book or
some website in your work, always acknowledge the source along with the
information from where it is taken.
• Take Permission from the Author: If possible, take written permission from the
author of the original work before using its contents in your work.
• Read and Reframe: Do not just use the contents as they are from the source;
read from various sources and put them in your own words.
• Use Quotations: Put everything that comes from some other source within quotes.
Cyberbullying or Cyber Harrassment is an ethical practise
which involves threatening, harrassing, or humiliating
others online by spreading rumours, make dispraging
remarks about them, or disclosing personal infomation
about them. Cyberbullying is common these days among
teenagers and young people. It can be very stressful for
the victims and can harm them to a great extent.
To Prevent Cyberbullying
• Avoid disclose your personal information online.
• Keep a check on the privacy settings of your social media account and make
sure that it is visible only to people you know.
• Never share your passwords or other credentials with others.