Page 137 - Computer - 5
P. 137


             1.  If  the  word  OLYMPIAD  is  coded    6.  The  number  89  expressed  in
                  as  LOMYIPDA,  then  the  word                          Roman numerals is
                  COMPUTER will be coded as                                     LXXXIX                 LXXXVIII

                         PMOCRETU              RETUPMOC                         CIXX                   VIIIIX
                         OCPMTURE              MOCTUPRE            7.  Timmy and Jimmy both worked in

            2.  The  number  of  X’s  immediately                         a bakery for 15 hours a week for 10
                  followed by a Y in the group below is                   weeks. Jimmy fell ill for 2 weeks,

                  X X Y X X X Y Y X Y X Y X X Y Y X X Y                   and Timmy worked for his share of
                  X Y X X Y Y X                                           hours. The total number of hours
                                                                          Timmy worked is
                         8                     9                                150                    180
                         12                    10                               12                     15

            3.  The  difference  between  the  face
                  values of the two 7s in the number               8.  The  figure  that  completes  the
                  673715 is                                               given image is

                         36000                 69300
                         63000                 0

            4.  According to the given diagram, the
                  number of students who like exactly
                  two out of the three sports is

                        Football          Cricket

                               13   7    15
                                    4                              9.  The number of TV sets produced by
                                 8     5
                                                                          a company last year was 4367280.
                                    8                                     If this number is 1675400 less than
                                 Hockey                                   the  production  for  current  year,

                         20                    36                         the  number  of  TV  sets  produced
                         24                    4                          this year is
            5.  If  the  pattern  in                                            4567860                3691880
                  the  given  image  is                                         6042680                5042680

                  continued, the number                            10.  Mary went to school at 7:15 am.
                  of tiles in the next set                                She  returned  home  at  1:45  pm.
                  of pink tiles is                                        The time she was out of home is
                         7                     10                               6 hr 45 min            6 hr 30 min

                         8                     9                                6 hr 15 min            6 hr

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