Page 149 - Ai Book - 10
P. 149
6. How do AI systems contribute to the problem of inclusion, particularly in facial recognition technology?
a. By accurately recognizing all faces
b. By prioritizing darker-skinned faces
c. By displaying impartial behaviour
d. All of these
7. Discuss the challenges and concerns related to the future of jobs due to adoption of AI.
a. Analyzing job loss predictions
b. Examining the impact on income inequalities
c. Discussing security threats
d. All of these
8. Explain the role of bias in AI systems using examples beyond gender discrimination.
a. Analyzing bias in product recommendations
b. Examining bias in healthcare diagnostics
c. Discussing implications for the faces with darker skin
d. None of these
9. What are the primary security concerns associated with AI systems, especially bots?
a. Automated logins for compromising user accounts
b. Use by cybercriminals for hacking
c. Both of these
d. None of these
10. Discuss the concept of AI ethics and why is it essential in the development and deployment of AI systems.
a. Exploring the role of AI in customer service
b. Analysing the impact of AI on healthcare
c. Discussing rules and principles related to AI systems
d. None of these
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The field of is a combination of different disciplines such as Computer Science, Biology, Psychology,
Philosophy, Mathematics, and Engineering for creating intelligent systems that behave like a human in
terms of thinking, learning, and differentiating between right and _________.
2. Reasoning in AI is the set of processes that enables machines to provide a basis for judgment, making
decisions, and _________.
3. AI-powered medical imaging is widely used in diagnosing ________ cases and identifying patients who
require ventilator support.
4. ChatBots have revolutionized the banking and financial industry by providing quick and relevant responses
to customer queries and fetching relevant information from a larger database within a _________.
5. The development of self-driving cars requires millions of images and thousands of hours of video, which
is a great example of _________.